Friday, December 26, 2008

That Empty Feeling In Your Wallet

Well, Christmas came and went and we managed to acquire ZERO additional credit card debt! What does that mean, it means nobody got any gifts that we will be paying for over the next 18 months. We did not get trapped into any of that 0 payments, 0 interest for 12 months nonsense with a huge interest payment at the end for not paying it off. It also means that we exchanged fewer and less expensive gifts. BUT, what it really means is that we each received gifts that were more thoughtful and truly came from the heart and not from the wallet. So, the way I see it, we got more than ever before.

Here's hoping your wallet and your heart are not empty this Christmas


  1. I agree...this Christmas (depsite Ethan having the flu) was the best, and the gifts were wonderful and meaningful! Love you! Here's to an almost debt-free 2009...umm, maybe 2011!

  2. Holy crap, Josh!!!! That was really sweet! Jeff wants to know if you got my bleeding heart for Christmas!!! Jeff also wants more bile-filled rants! ha! Seriously, though, very nice post!

  3. I just noticed all those exclamation points, oi. Maybe I should bring it down a notch in excitement.
